I've been busy, exhausted, stressed-out, and so busy that I haven't been on the computer in days and days, or checked my email or anything! Unfortunately when you don't keep up with your email on a daily basis, you end up with 500 (mostly junk) emails! I don't recommend that! I end up irritated and not wanting to get on the computer at all and just ignoring everything.
Mark had show and tell last Friday and brought Zorro. We did a little mini-lesson, kids had to even take notes - good for CRT listening section practice - and then we had crossword and word search puzzles for the class to do. Everyone thought Mark's lizard was pretty cool.
Just posting a few other pictures - James working on his truck, Zorro eating veggies on the kitchen counter, and Mark and Lauren sledding one weekend.
An update on Kaylie: she's now playing keyboards every Wednesday night for the youth band. She's totally jazzed about it and is doing a great job!