Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Such a simple three word statement....but one that is powerfully true. Especially in these tough economic times. Mike came home from work last night and said he needed to change his attitude about work. Men have been laid off, and everyone's hours have been cut. Even Mike's. It's always been a struggle to stay on top of the job even with a 40 hour week. Doesn't mean the work slows down or deadlines still don't have to be met. It means, putting in hours even if you don't get paid for it. It means having a good attitude in spite of less hours, and doing what you have to, to get the job done. It means, in my case, that no matter how impossible a deadline is for me with my testing, I've decided no matter what, I WILL make that deadline and I'm NOT going to make myself crazy about it! (at least not until I get down to the deadline wire! :). Attitude IS everything. Without a positive attitude and trusting in the Powers that Be to see us all through the difficult times, we won't make it. So here's another 3 minute movie - the attitude movie!

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