Only two more days of summer freedom left and I find myself with mixed emotions about starting back to work on Monday. On the one hand going back to work is good - a paycheck would be nice; but on the other, I didn't accomplish all the "to do's" I had on my list. Even knowing the time was coming, I still didn't seem to have the time to work on that list. My summer was spent in therapy twice a week for my wrist (yes, it's healing great, but still will take about a year to be completely pain-free, but never will it be 100% - 70 - 80% is the best I can hope for, but I am extremely grateful and happy that I can use it again, so it's all good!); driving back and forth to soccer practices, swim lessons, tennis lessons, and visiting with my parents who were here 3 times this summer! The "to-do" list goes back into my file of "things to do/accomplish over the summer and I'll look at it again next summer! James is starting 10th grade, Kaylie 8th grade with a new - dare I say it -"girly" wardrobe and new haircut (she is not afraid to try new hairstyles - reminds me so much of my niece Ashley), and Mark is going into 3rd grade. All three seem excited to start back up to school....we'll see how long that lasts when the homework starts up.....!
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