It's been about four years that James has worn his hair in a longer style. It all came to an end yesterday when he showed up after work with his new short faux-hawk. His job has a pretty strict dress code which includes hairstyle. He has for the most part kept his hair a bit shorter for work but not by much that one would notice. However, he was told by the "big, big boss" that he needed a haircut so when Mark was getting his hair cut, James got his cut also. Though, at the time I was there, his hairstyle stayed the same - just shorter and above the collar. When he got to work, he was told the big, big boss still would not be happy and he needed to go shorter. So after work, off he went back to our favorite hairdresser and friend and had it cut again. I almost didn't recognize him when he walked in and it was a total surprise. As much as I miss his long(er) hair, (and yes, I felt a bit emotional about it) I like his hair this way too. (I'm glad a took a picture earlier, just because, or I wouldn't have had a before and after shot.)
Looks good James!
Love those boys! long or short, they are the best:)
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