Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas 2008

I've decided instead of blogging all about Christmas, that I'm just going to post some of my favorite pictures. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Around the World PingPong and Ultimate PingPong Smackdown!

James turned 15 on December 19th and had a few close friends over - the ping pong table was, and always has been a fun thing but the boys took the game of ping pong to a new level with Ultimate Ping Pong Smackdown. (Kaylie actually added the "smackdown" to the name). Only teenage boys could come up with a game that inflicts pain on each other and LIKE it! I got a couple of pictures of Around the World Ping Pong but did not get any of the 2nd game. Nor did I think to take pictures of the ping pong ball welts that were left on the boys' backs after smacking the ping pong ball as hard as possible trying to hit another player on the other side of the table. And leave it to Nik to come up with the idea of not wearing shirts so it would hurt more! They all seemed to have a great time and certainly there was no food left in the house by the time 5 teenage boys were through! :) James had a great birthday, he's got some great friends and Mike and I enjoyed having them all around!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thanksgiving in Vegas

Before Christmas arrives, I thought I'd better get in my Thanksgiving blog! Time is running out, and even though, I'm not nearly as busy as Lia (holy cow, I got exhausted just reading about your goings on Lia! :), I've been extremely busy with work and then four out of five of us got the flu all the same day! Guess who didn't get the flu - Mike! He never gets sick!!! Lucky him. Anyways, we spent the Thanksgiving weekend in Las Vegas with my parents and sister and her daughters. We had a wonderful time, very relaxing, and all the cousins got along great, which was good considering all 8 stayed at my sister's house! It was much less stressful this year and all the adults got along too ! :) What more can you ask for? I do wish my sister lived here in Utah, so we can spend more time with Erin and Allie - we miss them!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Joy to Everyone!

My friend Jennifer sent this out in an email to share and it was such a pretty song that I had to put it on my blog and share it with you. Read the story behind the lyrics, and enjoy this beautiful song. Merry Christmas! http://www.joytoeveryone.com/

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Simple Truths of Appreciation

For those friends, neighbors, and TEACHERS that have made or make a difference in our lives, and our children's lives, this short little movie is for you. Thank you, Maria, for the difference you made in James' life in 1st grade - for CARING - I will always remember what you did for him, and for me as a Mom, with a child who was struggling and hurting with a move to Utah away from all of our family in Arizona, you touched my heart. You are a wonderful teacher and I want to THANK YOU! To Cheryl, who's had all three of my kids, all of them have LOVED having you as their 2nd grade teacher. You make a difference and they know you care about them. To Cherie and Tricia, both of you have been the best teachers that James and Kaylie could have ever had for 5th and 6th grade. You've both taught them, helped them, challenged them and cared about them! You've gone to their soccer games and piano recitals (and I have the pictures to prove it) and they WILL remember that years from now. It always makes me smile when I see my kids come up to you and give you hugs. How special is that! To Becky McKenzie, the best kindergarten teacher I've ever, ever had the pleasure to know. This world needs more teachers like you, and I miss you. My kids have been blessed by all of you. For your dedication to teaching, for caring, and for making a difference in their lives. Thank you for all of that. And, as an added bonus, I get to call each of you my friend. I'm blessed to have you in my life! (http://www.movieofappreciation.com/)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Living on the Right Course

This was the title of the sermon my Grandpa, the Rev. Glenn H. Lutz, preached on August 7th, 1983 at the First Presbyterian Church in Las Vegas, Nevada. He passed away seven days later hiking up in the Ruby Mountains with a church youth group. Talking with my Grandmother years later she revealed to me that she knew when he died. She felt it deep within her being. As hard as his passing was for her, I know she felt comfort knowing that my Grandpa passed away in a place that was special to him, doing something he loved. May we all be so lucky.
My brother Greg, just yesterday, gave me a copy of his last sermon which I just finished reading. It brought back memories of my Grandpa - preaching on Sunday mornings, dressed in "robes". He always looked so regal to me. I remember weekends spent at Grandpa and Grandma's and popping in to Grandpa's office in their house where he was working on his sermon for Sunday. I always told him I loved him and got a great big hug from him. I enjoyed those few minutes of time I had with him and he never seemed to mind being interrupted. I remember Thanksgiving meals at our house, or their house and my Grandpa saying Grace before our meal. (I also remember my Dad humorously sayng his own grace - "Thank you Lord for this grub, now let's eat!" and my Grandpa not really finding the humor in it- though in my Dad's defense, my Grandpa could be long-winded :) It's funny how certain things, like reading my Grandpa's last sermon, can bring back bits of memories of things you hadn't thought of in years or thought you had even forgotten.
My Grandpa baptised me when I was a baby and 43 years later, I still feel a connection to him because of that. I like knowing that. I loved my Grandpa, and it was nice revisting some long forgotten memories. I'm honored to be his granddaughter...... You wrote a great sermon, Grandpa.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Let's ALL Get Into Bow Hunting! (Okay, NOT me!)

Well, James started out this August getting a deer on his very first bow hunt. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures on digital camera to post of that, but suffice to say, it was very exciting for him and Mike that he did that. What an accomplishment and we have to thank Uncle Dave for getting James into bow hunting. Dave is an AVID bow hunter and James looks up to him and enjoys his time with Dave when in Arizona. Mike has made an archery range in our backyard for practicing and James, along with Mike (who has decided to join in on bow hunting next year) practice when time allows. The newest member of our family to join the ranks of bow hunters is Mark. He asked for and received a bow for his 8th birthday and he is determined to hunt with his idol, big brother James. Mike tells him that if he starts practicing now, he actually might get a deer by 12 years of age instead of 14 like James, and that motivates him. Last week, Kaylie, our sweet, beautiful girl, has decided she wants to do hunter safety and bow hunt also!!! She has been outside practicing with the boys too. If you're wondering if I will join the rest of the family, the answer is NO. No, no way, no how, never, will I EVER be able to shoot Bambi, Bambi's dad, uncle, brother, or relative! I much prefer to wait at home. I love venison (I made a fabulous venison, sausage and black bean chili complements of CookingLight magazine) and as long as I don't have to see the poor deer prior to it being cut up and put in nice neat packages, I'm fine. I'll leave the bow hunting to the rest of the family!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Kaylie's New 'Do

Saturday was a busy day with Kaylie, myself and James all getting haircuts and such at my wonderful friend Tisa's salon. (For those of you that don't know Tisa, she runs her own salon out of her house called Purple Door Salon - she's fabulous! 706-1826). Anyway, Kaylie's hair was pretty long and worn only in a ponytail - works great for soccer - but now that the season is over for a few months, I thought it would be nice to get her hair styled. Tisa did a great job and Kaylie looks just oh so cute!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Motivation in a Minute

Check out this weblink and watch the short movie. You'll be glad you did.

Monday, October 27, 2008

A Best Friend...

A best friend is someone who asks how you are doing, then waits for the answer; a best friend is someone you can sit with quietly, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like you've had the best conversation; a best friend knows the struggles going on in your life, even when you have the biggest smile on your face; a best friend will always tell you the truth about yourself and love you anyway; a best friend will stick up for you, do stupid things with you, and will always be there for you no matter the distance life takes either of you. Most people in life, have many, many friends, but only one or two best friends that they will have for their lifetime. I have a friend like that in Tami, though we live close to each other, our lives run busily in different directions with our children and work; Mike has that friend in Larry, who he has known since high school; and James has his friend Nik. Though I'm sure if they read this, they will think I'm totally lame, James and Nik have been best friends since 3rd grade. They are both in 9th grade now and are growing up to be fine looking teenagers. I hope the friendship they share now will continue on throughout their lifetime, through high school, dating, a mission for Nik, engagements, marriages, jobs, children. Life will take them many places, but I hope the friendship they have now will grow and endure a lifetime.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Trick or Treat Street Oct. 2008

Last night James' soccer team and a few brave parents volunteered for a 5 hour shift at the South Town Expo at the Trick or Treat Street venue to raise money to help pay for the boys' futsal fees. Then I turned around and did another 5 hour shift with Kaylie's soccer team this morning. Ran home for 15 minutes and we were off again to Kaysville for Kaylie's last game of the season. Between last night and today, I'm exhausted but I'm really trying to get into this blogging thing, so decided to update before heading to bed. I have to say that I did enjoy watching Lia's daughter Kowhai pass out candy and everyone commenting on her beautiful snow witch costume that Lia made. It was a fun night, even though a few of the boys got a little carried away - too much sugar, too many girls in cute costumes - who knows... they're teenage boys, but either way I always enjoy hanging out with the soccer parents no matter what we are doing.

Hubby Tag

I got tagged from Lia...
1. What is your husbands name? Michael Allen (Mike)
2. How long have you been married? 15 1/2 years
3. How long did you date before getting married? 4 years
4. How old is he? He is 47
5. Who is taller? Mike - even on the rare occasion that I wear heels, he's still taller than me
6. Who can sing better? It sure isn't me - can't carry a tune to save my life!
7. Who is smarter? That's an unfair question - we are both smart in different areas
8. Who does the laundry? That's easy - me!
9. Who pays the bills? I do
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you walk into the bedroom and face the bed,
Mike sleeps on the right side closest to the door.
11. Who mows the lawn? Mike, me, James or Kaylie
12. Who cooks dinner? Mike, who's a fabulous cook, cooks dinner most nights and I do the
cleaning up
13. Who is the first to admit they're wrong? Both of us will admit to being wrong, if we're wrong, but I think I apologize easier than Mike.
14. Who kissed who first? I made the first move, I think.
15. Who wears the pants? That's another hard question. We both take turns I think
depending on the situation, maybe....?
Okay, I now tag Stephanie and Jennifer......

Monday, October 20, 2008

...and some More!

I think I was a photographer in another lifetime...

More Picts from Murray Park

Murray Park with the Cousins

Sunday after church, the kids and I picked up Lauren, Austin and Jordan and we headed to Murray Park with scooters, a football, basketball, a frisbee, and my camera. (In 2 1/2 hours I took 100 pictures!) We had such a great time and we really enjoyed this park. I have a friend who does their family pictures there and they are so pretty that it was about time to check out the park. I'm so glad that we did and we need to go back with Mike and take family pictures there. It's been about 5 years since we have had family pics (I like to be behind the camera, not in front of it), but I'm going to have to make an exception. It was a great afternoon spent with the kids, and they graciously humored me with all the "photo ops" I called for. We ended our day with dinner at my brother's, Mark and Lauren had Christmas play rehearsals at the church while the adults had home group "Nothing is too hard for God". It was a perfect end to a perfect day!